WHAT'S NEW: 01.02.25
Pop your CMYK-Tinted Specs on, Dots, and join us as we travel back in time to 1989. To a comic book that had an August 1989 cover date. A month, on the 12th day of which, the day after Tim Burton's juggernaut opened in the UK, a much, much younger Dave and Kev (with Mike) joined a queue outside the Canon cinema, hours before their chosen showing, only to scrape a few of the last seats to the previous screening. They may not have been sitting together, but they were finally about to see the movie event of their young lives, thus. All this is to say is that it was at the height of Batmania, the pinnacle of their Bat-obsession, the peak of their Bat-fandom, and Year 3 Part 2 'Changes Made' was required reading.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.01.25
Happy New Year (3)! Here's your We See The World In Ben-Day Dots first foot for 2025. So pop your Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Key-tinted Specs on and join us as we travel back, once again, to the summer of 1989, to the height of Batmania, to witness the past come back to haunt the then present, in Batman Year 3: Part 1: 'Different Roads.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.12.24
We're back! CMYK-tinted specs firmly in place. Back at the tail end of March of last year, when the controversy surrounding Matt Hancock's COVID Whatsapp messages rumbled on, 'Shazam: Fury of the Gods' made it to the top spot at the UK box, and Smiley Miley was still number one in the singles chart with her 'Flowers, and we bore witness to the climactic showdown, as Pete donned the Spider-Armour as an equaliser in his feud with Gregor/Takhar in 'Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt Chapter Five: The Cauldron.' "Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
WHAT'S NEW: 01.11.24
Dave and Kev employ the Cyan, Maganta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles again, to jump back 21 months in time to February of 2023. Miley's 'Flowers' were maybe starting to wilt a little, but they weren't quite ready to be binned yet, and Shrek's anthropomorphic cat replaced James Cameron's anthropomorphic cats at the top of the UK box office, as 'Puss In Boots: The Last Wish' was packing the kids in at the cinemas. House prices continued to rise, churches were still recovering from COVID, the cost of living payments ceased to be doled out, and Aja Orisha regaled us with a wonderful telling of her origin story in 'Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt Chapter Four: Orisha's Tale.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.10.24
Dave and Kev take a short trip back to the beginning of last year, January to be exact, to give Miley Cyrus, the former Hannah Montana herself, her 'Flowers' for ruling the charts, avoid the cinemas and James Cameron's blue cat-people, and try to survive the austerity and inflation of a country in a cost of living crisis. Still, it wasn't all doom and gloom, Takhar Orisha was also trying to kill Peter Parker in 'Fenzy,' the third chapter in 'Spider-Man: Lost Hunt.' That'll lift the mood.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.09.24
The CMYK spectacles transport Dave and Kev back less than two years, to the week before Christmas in 2022. Mariah Carey topped the UK singles chart with 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' (before being dethroned by Ladbaby, who were subsequently bested by Wham!), whilst James Cameron was "King of the world," and the UK box office number one once again, as 'Avatar: The Way Of Water' ruled the roost. What a time to be alive! Oh, and 'Broken,' the second chapter of 'Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt' hit the shelves of your local comic book shop, and the servers of Comixology. Seems like only yesterday.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.08.24
Something has gone wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. It would seem that the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles were not immune to the CrowdStrike crash, and as a result, rather than being transported to the previous millennium like they normally are, Dave and Kev have been dumped a mere two years in the past, where they decide to make the most of it, and have a gander at 'Haunted,' the first chapter of 'Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt,' the third entry in J.M. DeMatteis' Kraven Trilogy.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.07.24
Dave, Kev, CMYK-tinted specs, 1992, 'Batman Returns' Act 3. "'Nuff said!" Shit! Wrong company. That guy worked for the Distinguished Competition's Distinguished Competition.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.06.24
Dave and Kev don the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key-tinted spectacles, and return to 1992, return to when they were teenagers, return to Christmas in Gotham City, and Return, once again, to Batman, for part two of their discussion of Dennis O'Neil, Steve Erwin, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, and Tom McCraw's "official comic adaptation of the Warner Bros. motion picture." "Things change."
WHAT'S NEW: 01.05.24
Let's take a trip back to June of 1992. To the 'Second Summer of the Bat.' To a moment in time when 'Diana: Her True Story,' was causing controversy all over the nation (as well as flying off bookshelves), K.W.S. were sitting pretty atop the UK Singles Chart with 'Please Don't Go,' and it truly was 'Wayne's World,' as Wayne Campbell ruled the UK box office. It was also a time when the joy and innocence of childhood was beginning to fade, only to be replaced with teenage angst and a palpable sense of ennui for the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots dynamic duo. So why don't you join them, as they revisit a time of great change, a challenging transitional period, a point of no return, and review the movie adaptation of Tim Burton's second (Batman) album syndrome, his sophomore slump, as 'Batman Returns.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.04.24
It's April, Fools! But we're not messing around here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dots, as Dave and Kev use their CMYK-tinted specs to travel back to the 2nd of June 1987, and witness Bruce's ill-fated attempt at constructing a "normal" life with Rachel Caspian, Jim Gordon regain his faith in Batman, Joe Chill literally lose his head, and The Reaper fall from grace, in the fourth and final part of 'Batman Year Two,' 'So Shall Ye Reap.'
WHAT'S NEW: 27.03.24
"Crime Alley, Gotham City. Baddest street in the whole USA. Crime Alley, nasty and hot. The further down the block you went, the badder it got." Witness the return of the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots six man tag team champions as, like a trio of those replicated Doctor Manhattans, in present day 2024, Dave, Kev and Mike take on the second part of the 2011 animated adaptation of the 1987 comic book classic, 'Batman Year One.' Spoiler alert; they're doing the job on this one. "And new.....!"
WHAT'S NEW: 01.03.24
Join Dave and Kev, the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots 'Deadly Allies,' as they don the CMYK-tinted spectacles once again, and travel back to the 5th of May, 1987, when Madonna ruled the airwaves in the UK with, 'La Isla Bonita,' the fifth and final single off her third studio album, 'True Blue,' 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home,' was packing them in at the UK theatres, and we were getting ready to head down the road to Wrestlemania, sorry, the General Election, for Thatcher Vs. Kinnock.
WHAT'S NEW: 09.02.24
Full transparency, this should have "dropped" about two months back (Kev's fault, Dave is completely innocent), but December was a bit mad, what with Christmas, the day jobs, and the like. Life, way, and all that. Anyway, we're lucky to be joined, once again, by Mike for a companion piece to our 'Year One' retrospective, it's the first of our two part look at 'Batman Year One' the animated adaptation. Better late than never? We'll leave that for you folks to decide.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.02.24
It's the last day of March in 1987, Mel and Kim are a 'Respectable' No.1 in the UK singles chart, Paul Newman and Tom Cruise topped the UK box office with 'The Color Of Money,' and Batman made a 'Deal With The Devil' in the second chapter of 'Year Two,' all under the watchful, CMYK-tinted lens covered eyes of Dave and Kev.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.01.24
Happy New Year (Two)! Can you see a theme emerging? Dave and Kev don the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles and travel back to early March of 1987, where Culture Club frontman, Boy George, topped the UK singles chart with his cover of Ken Boothe's cover of the David Gates penned Bread hit, 'Everything I Own' (This is all getting a bit pop music Inception (Popception)), and David Cronenberg topped the UK cinema charts with his cover version of Kurt Neumann's 'The Fly.' Join the dynamic duo as they discuss 'Fear The Reaper,' the first chapter of Mike W. Barr and Co.'s 'Year Two,' which is, unsurprisingly, the follow-up to the Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli's classic, 'Year One.'
Oh, and if you want to do some extra curricular listening, you can treat your ears to Kev's dulcet tones from when he chatted about 'Year Two' with the great Max Byrne a few years ago on Max's legendary 'Mandatory Marvel & DC' podcast.
Uuuggghhh! Everything's just cover versions, reboots and remakes these days, isn't it?
Oh, and if you want to do some extra curricular listening, you can treat your ears to Kev's dulcet tones from when he chatted about 'Year Two' with the great Max Byrne a few years ago on Max's legendary 'Mandatory Marvel & DC' podcast.
Uuuggghhh! Everything's just cover versions, reboots and remakes these days, isn't it?
WHAT'S NEW: 01.12.23
Dave and Kev travel back 34 years, waiting patiently for the opportunity to unwrap that Batman VHS tape that is nestled safely under the Christmas tree. In the meantime, they'll just have to settle for the final act in the copy of the, now dog-eared, movie adaptation they got back when the movie was in the cinemas in the summer. It's a tough old life, but somebody's got to live it.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.11.23
Like a pair of Taylor Swifts, only short, male, and middle-aged, (so nothing like a pair of Taylor Swifts at all, really) Dave and Kev gaze once again through the cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted lenses, travel back to the dying days of 1989, and ponder the second act of O'Neil, Ordway, Oliff and Costanza's often reprinted, often emulated, never dated, adaptation of 'Batman.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.10.23
Dave and Kev are back, in the winter of 1989, rocking the cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles, noses buried in a comic book (which was par for the course at the time). Specifically, their snouts are snuffling at the truffle that is Denny O'Neil and Jerry Ordway's adaptation of the Tim Burton helmed, omnipresent, pop culture juggernaut, 'Batman.' Click the link for their retrospective of the first act here.
WHAT'S NEW: 02.09.23
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles transport Dave and Kev back to 'Year One, better known as 1987 to the layperson, when they are fortunate enough to bear witness to sleazy affairs, sleazy officials, and sleazy, if somewhat inconsequential Catwomen. It's the end of Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli's seminal tale, it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship, it's Batman Year One chapter four, it's 'Friend In Need.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.08.23
A couple of Scottish blokes of a certain vintage wax lyrical about a storyline that revolves around heroin and manage to show an unbelievable level of restraint by referring to 'Trainspotting' a mere single time. Well done them. Give them a biscuit. With some smack sprinkled on top. "They Say It'll Kill Me...But They Won't Say When!"
Disclaimer- Then Kev went and fucked it all up by quoting 'Trainspotting' in every single caption for the panel descriptions. "Wanker!"
Disclaimer- Then Kev went and fucked it all up by quoting 'Trainspotting' in every single caption for the panel descriptions. "Wanker!"
WHAT'S NEW: 01.07.23
The CMYK spectacles wearing, tag team champions of We See The World In Ben-Day Dots travel back over half a century for a "trip" where they "turn to the drugs" with Oliver Queen's ward, Speedy. Join them, as they discover that "Snowbirds Don't Fly."
WHAT'S NEW: 07.06.23
Dave and Kev time jump back to April of 1987, and watch as Bruce struggles to escape the clutches of the Gotham City Police Department's resident S.W.A.T. team, who were more than happy to blow up an entire building (collateral damage and all), in an attempt to end the Batman's reign of terror. The CMYK spectacles wearing duo also become a pair of creepy, leering, voyeuristic perverts, as the affair between Jim Gordon and Susan Essen heats up in Batman: Year One- Chapter 3: 'Black Dawn.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.05.23
"Thatcher, Thatcher, Milk Snatcher!" It's 1971, when the Iron Lady took the free school milk out of the mouths of the over sevens, the Nasdaq debuted, and decimalisation came into effect in the U.K. and Ireland. What was the point in that? Oh, and Dave and Kev Quantum Leap into the bodies of Hal Jordan and Ollie Queen to battle some plastic people in "Peril In Plastic." Click it!
WHAT'S NEW: 04.04.23
Dave and Kev travel back exactly 36 years, to the spring of '87, when supergroup Ferry Aid's cover version of 'Let It Be' was number one in the UK singles chart, and 'The Hustler' sequel, 'The Colour Of Money' was packing them in at the picture houses. Oh, and Jim Gordon dealt with a hostage situation, after getting caught in a traffic jam, whilst some guy dressed up like a bat was making a bit of a nuisance of himself in Batman: Year One Part Two, 'War Is Declared.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.03.23
Dave and Kev are back in green, back in their CMYK-tinted specs, and back in 1971 to experience a strange little tale, featuring a strange little girl, and an even stranger little man who proves that creepy, misogynistic, incels did indeed exist before the advent of the internet. "...And A Child Shall Destroy Them!"
WHAT'S NEW: 01.02.23
... in March of 1971, before Dave and Kev were even born, as Dinah opens a box of roses containing a free pair of Harpies. Lucky her. It's a bizarre, fantasy romp, featuring witches, patriarchy smashing Amazonians, and women with snakes for hair. It's Dave and Kev with CMYK-tinted specs on, it's Green Arrow/Green Lantern #82, it's 'How Do You Fight A Nightmare?'
WHAT'S NEW: 04.01.23
Dave and Kev don the CMYK-tinted specs and travel back precisely 36 years to bear witness to the beginnings of The Batman, and the rise of one James W. Gordon, as the newly transferred police lieutenant commences his personal mission to clean up the corrupt GCPD. These paths are destined to cross in Batman Year One Part One 'Who I Am How I Came To Be.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.12.22
Dave and Kev don the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles and travel back to 1991 for the last time. But do they really though? Or are they merely pawns, trapped in yet another simulation of the Weapon X program? You decide.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.11.22
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles transport Dave and Kev back to the summer of 1991, just in time to get a fission gate-side seat for Weapon X meeting his maker, and sending The Professor to meet his. Snikt! Snikt! Snikt!
WHAT'S NEW: 31.10.22
Dave and Kev don the CMYK-tinted specs once again, and travel back to 1991, to witness Cornelius being turned into a human shish kebab, and Miss Hines get thrown into the pit by The Professor, to function as the bait to lure Weapon X into the fission-gate. Snikt!
WHAT'S NEW: 30.09.22
Dave and Kev have had enough of Liz Truss and her cronies, so travel back to "simpler times" by throwing on their Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles in order to watch a mindless automaton eviscerate everything that stands in their path. Sorry, got pulled back to Liz Truss for a second there. It's Weapon X, kids.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.08.22
Weapon X is on the move,
Weapon X is loose.
Feel the magic,
Hear the roar,
Weapon X is loose.
Weapon, Weapon, Weapon, Weapon X.
Weapon X is loose.
Feel the magic,
Hear the roar,
Weapon X is loose.
Weapon, Weapon, Weapon, Weapon X.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.07.22
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinded prescription shades? Check! "Clunky" helmets? Check! Ten pound battery pack strategically placed to cover your junk? Check! We're good to go then, back to the summer of 1991, where we had a Tory government presiding over a recession, a ridiculous rate of inflation, and an ineffective Labour opposition. But enough about 2022, we're here to talk about Weapon X.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.06.22
Dave and Kev get changed into their clothes from from the early '90's, (which are a little too small, and a bit snug as well, if we're being honest) throw on the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted shades, and are transported back to April of 1991, where they meet up with The Professor and Logan at the Weapon X facility for a cheeky coffee.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.05.22
Sporting their nifty Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles, Dave and Kev arrive at the Weapon program observation booth, with overpriced snacks in hand, in good time to see the Weapon Xperimenters feed Wolverine to the wolves. Or is it vice versa? "Are you not entertained?"
WHAT'S NEW: 30.04.22
Dave and Kev pop the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles on, before (Quantum) leaping into the bodies of The Professor and Doctor Cornelius, like a Poundland Sam and Al, just in time to torture Logan a bit more. The bastards! It's Weapon X, bay bay!
WHAT'S NEW: 31.03.22
Dave and Kev don the specs, travel back to 1991 (again), get the snacks in, pull up a pew and observe, as Logan comes crashing through the looking glass, only to collapse, get hog-tied, escape again, and be incinerated in a gas chamber. He's having a worse day than Reggie Hammond in Another 48 Hrs. It's Weapon X.
WHAT'S NEW: 28.02.22
In an attempt to escape the utter shit show that is the 2020s, Dave and Kev don the cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles once again and travel back to late February 1991, where an international conflict is winding down as opposed ramping up. They arrive just in time to witness more examples of man's inhumanity against man, including human experimentation, torture, and attempting to incinerate people in a gas chamber. Cheery. All in the latest instalment of 'Weapon X.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.01.22
Dave and Kev don the cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles and travel back to early 1991, taking the form of a pair of flies on the wall, as Logan is further exposed to the Weapon (X) program. And no, they're not Mephisto either.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.12.21
Dave and Kev travel back to 1991, when they were teenagers, sneaking into the cinema to see T2, trying to avoid hearing Bryan Adams's 'Everything I Do' on the old wireless, and witnessing the end of a Cold War, but the beginnings of the Gulf Wars. Oh, and they take a little bit of time out to have a backwards glance at the prologue to Barry Windsor-Smith's seminal Wolverine epic, 'Weapon X.'
WHAT'S NEW: 22.11.21
CHOOM! The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing duo are back in 1986 for the final time, as they take a glance in the rearview mirror at the epilogue to Simon Furman and co.'s legendary epic. It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's the 'Aftermath.' It's the end. But it never ends.
WHAT'S NEW: 15.11.21
CHOOM! The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles wearing duo arrive 'Back In Time' to 1986, at just the right moment to witness Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr tell Galvatron that they're sending him 'Back To The Future!' It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's.....CHOOM!
WHAT'S NEW: 08.11.21
CHOOM! The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing, Ben-Day Dots seeing, time travelling duo are back in 1986, bets placed, teas brewed and popcorn at the ready for the big fight, the main event, the battle of The New Leaders. It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's 'Ya Haveta Ask!' It's Ultra Magnus Vs. Galvatron.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.11.21
CHOOM! Dave and Kev have time-jumped back to 1986. They've missed the release date, (again) but have at least managed to hit the cover date (again). Either way, they are in time to witness, first hand, a Galvatron-remote-controlled-zombie-Jazz kick the crap out of his fellow Autobots. "Lovely stuff." It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's 'Prisoners Of War!'
WHAT'S NEW: 25.10.21
CHOOM! With a schedule that's starting to resemble IDW more than Marvel UK, Dave and Kev are back being "men out of time," and now men out of sync with time, in 1986. At least it lines up with the cover date, so that's something, right? It's still The Transformers. It's still 'Target: 2006,' and it's still 'Trios!'
WHAT'S NEW: 11.10.21
CHOOM! Dave and Kev, with Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles on their ageing faces, arrive back in the autumn of 1986, and like Starscream awakening from a stasis pod, they're just in time to witness Megatron lead the Autobots. But if you can believe it, that's only the second biggest shock of this issue. It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's '...The Devil You Know.'
WHAT'S NEW: 04.10.21
CHOOM! And with that, Dave and Kev are on Cybertron, just in time to witness The Wreckers perform a dress rehearsal for the big Operation: Volcano opening night. They then nip in to the pub for a cheeky, swift post-rehearal pint, where they witness a fight break out in MacCadam's. Just like your average night out in Dundee then. It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's "Wreck and Rule!"
WHAT'S NEW: 27.09.21
CHOOM! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, We See The World In Ben-Day Dots is proud to present to you, it's tag team champions of the world, 'The Chaos Bringer,' Dave Scrimgeour, 'The Lost Light, Kev McCluskey, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key Tinted Spectacles! Oh, they're discussing The Transformers- 'Target: 2006' Part 3, 'Defeat!' as well.
WHAT'S NEW: 20.09.21
CHOOM! Dave and Kev don their Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles and travel back in time to Earth: 1986, trying not to get sucked into the limbo of a Black Hole in the process. It's The Transformers. It's 'Target: 2006.' It's 'Construction Time Again!'
Dedicated to George Cordeiro. Without whom, we probably wouldn't be doing this.
Dedicated to George Cordeiro. Without whom, we probably wouldn't be doing this.
WHAT'S NEW: 13.09.21
"CHOOM!" Dave and Kev use their CMYK-tinted spectacles to travel back to this very day in 1986, just in time to bear witness to the trail of destruction the "future" Deceptions leave in their wake, followed by watching them bury Megatron and Soundwave under a ton of rubble, and take command of the "present day" Decepticons. Buy the ticket, take the ride. It's The Transformers. It's Target: 2006. It's 'Apocalypse Then...Now!'
WHAT'S NEW: 06.09.21
We See The World In Ben-Day Dots is stumbling into its 6th year, like a drunkard at kicking out time, and as such we've decided to celebrate this milestone by donning the CMYK-tinted spectacles and covering The Transformers- Target: 2006 in REAL TIME. So every Monday, for the next 11 weeks, we'll be travelling back 35 years, to the autumn of 1986, to discuss it chapter by chapter, starting with this little aperitif, fitting titled 'Prologue.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.08.21
Dave and Kev are back again. Back like Arnold. Back wearing their CMYK-tinted spectacles, and travelling back to 1992. A time when Batman Returned to rule the box office, Madonna got REALLY sexy with Erotica, people read a lot of John Grisham, and some guy called Kalel was killed by a monster from beneath the earth. "Grrreat days." Oh, they also had a look at the second half of The Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter while they were there.
***This issue, and hence this review, deals with themes of suicide, which some readers may find distressing.***
***This issue, and hence this review, deals with themes of suicide, which some readers may find distressing.***
WHAT'S NEW: 02.08.21
".....shining for your illumination.
Good versus evil equals confrontation.
So when you're in trouble don't give in and turn sour.
Try to rely on your Turtle Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power."
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 1990 (Act 3)
Good versus evil equals confrontation.
So when you're in trouble don't give in and turn sour.
Try to rely on your Turtle Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power."
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 1990 (Act 3)
WHAT'S NEW: 31.07.21
Dave and Kev get all modern, as they pop on their trusty Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles and transition out of the 80s into.....the 90s! August 1992 to be more precise. When the 'Dream Team' won the basketball gold at the Barcelona Olympics, Snap!'s 'Rhythm Is A Dancer' dominated the UK singles chart, the World Wrestling Federation held its annual Summerslam event at Wembley Stadium, and J.M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck finally followed up their Spidey classic 'Fearful Symmetry' with 'Soul of the Hunter.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.06.21
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing...., oh, it's been nearly five years now, you get the gist. Look, it's Dave and Kev banging on about another comic that they read when they were young, and still had some hope left in their hearts. Go on, have a gander at the third part of their review of 'Return To Big Nothing.' Or don't. We're not your two dads. It's not like eating your vegetables. And it's not like it's a criminal offence, and it'll put you in ol' Frank's cross hairs if you refuse.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.05.21
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing tag team duo drop-in on Sin City to sample some of the wares, just in time to witness Frank take out Gorman's hired goons, but not before one of them gives up Snow's location, making him the first step on Frank's journey back to Gorman himself, and his Return To Big Nothing.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.04.21
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing tag team duo return to the twilight of the '80s, and 'Return To Big Nothing,' for their look at Steve Grant, Mike Zeck, John Beatty, Ken Bruzenak, Ian Tetrault and Phil Zimmerman's follow-up to We See The World In Ben-Day Dots' Punisher favourite, 'Circle Of Blood.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.03.21
Spyder! Spyder! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 6. It's "Ascending."
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 6. It's "Ascending."
WHAT'S NEW: 28.02.21
When the stars threw down their spears
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 5. It's 'Thunder.'
***This issue, and hence this review, deals with themes of suicide, which some readers may find distressing.***
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 5. It's 'Thunder.'
***This issue, and hence this review, deals with themes of suicide, which some readers may find distressing.***
wHAT'S NEW: 31.01.21
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 4. It's a 'Resurrection.'
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 4. It's a 'Resurrection.'
WHAT'S NEW: 18.01.21
"They were once normal, but now they're mutants.
Splinter's the teacher, so they are the students.
Leonardo, Michelangelo and Donatello make up the team
with one other fellow, Raphael."
(He is NOT the leader of the group, however. Despite what Partners In Kryme told you.)
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (1990. Act.2)
Splinter's the teacher, so they are the students.
Leonardo, Michelangelo and Donatello make up the team
with one other fellow, Raphael."
(He is NOT the leader of the group, however. Despite what Partners In Kryme told you.)
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (1990. Act.2)
WHAT'S NEW: 31.12.20
And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 3. It's Descent.
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 3. It's Descent.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.11.20
In what distant deeps or skies,
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 2. It's 'Crawling.'
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 2. It's 'Crawling.'
WHAT'S NEW: 23.11.20
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
On the half shell,
They're the heroes four.
In this day and age,
Who could ask for more?
No-one. No-one could've asked for more 30 years ago, and no-one could ask for more now.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
On the half shell,
They're the heroes four.
In this day and age,
Who could ask for more?
No-one. No-one could've asked for more 30 years ago, and no-one could ask for more now.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.10.20
Spyder Spyder, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 1. It's 'The Coffin.'
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
It's Fearful Symmetry. It's Kraven's Last Hunt Part 1. It's 'The Coffin.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.09.20
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles duo don the green duds for the final time, for the moment (Kev as Hal Jordan and Dave as Ollie Queen. If Jai was involved, she could've been Dinah Drake), as they travel to the ancient planet of Maltus, only to discover that it has been the victim of a genetically engineered population explosion at the hands of the crazed scientist Mother Jura. And as we hurtle towards a seemingly perfect storm of extinction level events, it has them asking themselves, will 'Death Be My Destiny?' Well, ultimately it will, yeah.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.08.20
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles wearing duo travel back fifty years, to the time a tinpot despot had taken control of a populace using an army of robotic automatons. Hold on! This is a superhero comic from 1970, right? This is starting to sound all too familiar. Either way, it's a time when 'Even An Immortal Can Die.'
WHAT'S NEW: 22.08.20
With timekeeping befitting a regional rail service, the cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted bespactacled trio finally round-off their watch/read-along of Mark Goldblatt's 1989 take on Frank Castle and his knife-wielding alter-ego. If you fancy joining in with the stabby, shooty, neck breaking festivities, just hop on over to YouTube, skip the ads, then jump to 58:18 in Mark Goldblatt's 'The Punisher.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.07.20
The CMYK, transition lenses, bespectacled duo return once again, in the decade of their birth, as they travel back 50 years to a world, and more specifically a United States, that was arguably just as tumultuous as the current one. However, as bleak as things may appear, never forget that 'Ulysses Star Is Still Alive.'
WHAT'S NEW: 04.07.20
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles wearing TRIO of Dave, Kev and a returning Mike are back in full force to take a gander at the middle section of Mark Goldblatt's gritty, sombre take on 'The Punisher.' If you'd like to read along as you watch, whilst Frank shoots-up a casino, visits a Yakuza chiropractor, gets the crap beat out of him at a funfair and steals a bus-load of mafia kids, you can find this movie on YouTube and skip to 24:48.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.06.20
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing duo wrote this before his passing, but here they are, gushing over the one and only Denny O'Neil anyway. It's 'A Kind Of Loving, A Way Of Death.'
WHAT'S NEW: 01.06.20
Thirty years ago today, post the Batmania of '89 and at the height of T.U.R.T.L.E. Power of '90, a more modest, less child-friendly "superhero" comic book movie arrived on the shores of the United Kingdom with none of the fanfare of its blockbuster contemporaries and landed, not at the cinema, but rather, at your local video rental shop. Read along as Dave, Kev and a debuting Mike, revisit the first act of a film they were far too young to be watching at the time, Mark Goldblatt's less-than-faithful-to-the-source-material take on 'The Punisher,' starring Dolph Lundgren in the titular role.
To get the full We See The World Through Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles experience, you could watch 'The Punisher' on Amazon Prime in German. And if you're not fluent in German, you'll just have to resort to watching it on YouTube as it doesn't appear to be available in the UK at the moment. Again.
To get the full We See The World Through Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles experience, you could watch 'The Punisher' on Amazon Prime in German. And if you're not fluent in German, you'll just have to resort to watching it on YouTube as it doesn't appear to be available in the UK at the moment. Again.
WHAT'S NEW: 31.05.20
The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing duo go on a 'Journey To Desolation' this month, where they find a fascist trying to quell an uprising of downtrodden citizens.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.04.20
The 'We See The World In Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-Tinted Spectacles' tag team contradict the Dr. Beckettian theory of time travel and go back to a year not in their lifetime. They arrive in the nick of time to witness Oliver Queen and a specific member of the African American community of Star City force Hal Jordan to confront some uneasy truths about his homeworld, as well as his role within and outwith it. Join them as they celebrate the team-up of the Emerald Crusader and the Emerald Archer, and the 50th anniversary of one of the most seminal moments in superhero comics, with 'No Evil Shall Escape My Sight.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.03.20
The 'We See The World Through Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-Tinted Spectacles' duo don their glasses and travel back to 1986 for the final time in this series. Can Daredevil and Captain America prevent Nuke from destroying Hell's Kitchen? Can Matt rebuild his life? Will Fisk ever be accepted into the legitimate business community? And will Glori get the exclusive photographs she so desires? All these questions and more shall be answered if you can survive 'Armageddon' and be 'Born Again.'
WHAT'S NEW: 29.02.20
Our boys' Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted Spectacles have come over a shade of red, while and blue this month. With stars and stripes to boot. Sometimes you have to pray to 'God and Country' in order to be 'Born Again.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.01.20
"Risin' up, back on the street, did my time, took my chances. Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet, just a man and his will to survive. So many times, it happens too fast, you trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past, you must fight just to keep them alive. Face to face, out in the heat, hangin' tough, stayin' hungry. They stack the odds 'til we take to the street, for the kill with the skill to survive." Sometimes you have to be 'Saved,' so that you can be 'Born Again.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.12.19
In something of a time paradox, Dave and Kev don their CMYK-tinted spectacles and step forwards into 2020, whilst simultaneously travelling backwards to the Hell's Kitchen of 1986, all so they can witness the rise of a devil, a rebirth, a bona fide miracle. Your heart must cease to beat in order for you to be 'Born Again.'
P.S. Be like Fisk and raise a glass to 2020. Happy New Year everybody.
P.S. Be like Fisk and raise a glass to 2020. Happy New Year everybody.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.11.19
With their Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles sitting squarely on the ends of their noses, Dave and Kev travel back to 1986 for 'Pariah,' the somewhat Christmas themed third chapter of Miller and Mazzuccelli et al's Hornhead masterpiece. You have to go towards the light if you want to be 'Born Again.'
WHAT'S NEW: 14.11.19
Still haven't seen Joker yet? Have a look at Jai's review to see if it persuades you to go check it out. Already seen it? Well go see it again because it's bloody brilliant! And then also check out the review and see if we had similar thoughts. |
WHAT'S NEW: 31.10.19
With their trademark Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles firmly in place, Dave and Kev travel back in time to Frank Miller and David Mazzuccelli's Hell's Kitchen of 1986, for the second part of their seminal Daredevil tale, 'Born Again.' Before entering heaven, you must atone for your sins in 'Purgatory.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.10.19
Somewhat later than initially planned; Dave and Kev don their Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles for the third and final part of their backwards glance at the phenomenon that was Tim Burton's 1989 smash hit, 'Batman.' So for the last time, break out the old VCR, pop in the tape and fast forward it past the part where The Joker visits Vicki Vale in her apartment and Bruce Wayne pulls a 'Man With No Name' and uses a tin tray to stop a bullet. Bat-God.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.09.19
With their trademark Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles firmly in place, Dave and Kev travel back in time to 1986, so that they can re-live what is arguably THE definitive hornhead tale. It's Miller, it's Mazzuccelli, it's Murdock, it's Fisk, it's 'Apocalypse.' You have to die in order to be 'Born Again.'
WHAT'S NEW: 15.09.19
Dave and Kev slip on a pair of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles and dive back into Gotham City for the second part of their look back at Tim Burton's 1989 game changer. So dust off your video player, dig out your VHS cassette tape, cue it to approximately 40 minutes, (or when Joker visits Alicia after having killed Carl Grissom) press play and read along to 'Batman.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.08.19
And with that, summer is gone for another year. So to mark its passing and to round out our 'Summer of Batman,' Dave and Kev are popping on their trademark Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles and going back in time to 1987 for the second and concluding part of their rear view mirror look at the Damian Wayne spawning, Batman: 'Son of the Demon' Part 2.
WHAT'S NEW: 21.08.19
Spider-Man: Far from Home is getting re-released with new footage but Spidey has also been axed from the future of the MCU...
Spider-Man: Far from Home was released in UK cinemas at the beginning of July this year. Now it’s been announced that there will be a re-release of the movie with a four-minute action scene to be added. Annoyingly, the extended edition is only being released in the USA and Canada, so for those of us in the UK and elsewhere, we will have to wait for the DVD release before we can watch it, which is likely to be released later this year. Also in Spider-Man related news, disagreements between Disney and Sony mean that Spider-Man will no longer play a role in the MCU. Read all about these updates along with our review of the original rendition to find out what we made of it. (J) |
WHAT'S NEW: 11.08.19
It's here! Today marks the 30th anniversary of the UK release of a genre redefining blockbuster. So, grab your beverage of choice, get the snacks in, pop on your CMYK-tinted, time travelling spectacles, fire up your DVD, Blu-ray, brand, spanking new 4K, download or stream, (or VHS) press play and read along, as Dave and Kev go back and relive the "Batmania" of the summer of '89, in part 1 of their retrospective of Tim Burton's 'Batman.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.07.19
Pop on your cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles and travel with us back to 1987; where we're at the tail-end of the Cold War, tensions are running high in the international community, the al Ghul family have resurfaced and a mysterious terrorist named Qayin is spreading fear with no apparent agenda. And what, exactly, ties a murder in Gotham to all of this? Find out, in the first half of our look back at Mike W. Barr and Jerry Bingham's seminal Batman tale, 'Son of the Demon.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.06.19
It's all come down to this. For the fourth and final time, the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-Tinted Spectacles wearing, time travelling duo are back in Chris Claremont and Frank Miller's Japan of 1982, as Logan comes face to face with Lord Shingen once again, in a rematch of their earlier confrontation. Will The Wolverine get the "W" and avenge the loss, or will Shingen put an end to the gaijin? The answer is here, in Dave and Kev's look back at The Wolverine #4, 'Honor.'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.05.19
"All done. Finished." The Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacles wearing, time travelling duo are back in the New York of 1989 for the last time, to witness a good, if not strictly speaking innocent, man get sent down for not grassing-up his old pal from high school. Oh, and there's also a werewolf on the loose in the final chapter of Gerry Conway and Sal Buscema's Tombstone Saga; The Spectacular Spider-Man #150, 'Guilty!'
WHAT'S NEW: 22.05.19
"Come with us now, as we journey through time and space, to the world of....." the Cyan-Magenta-Yellow and Key-Tinted Spectacles. Join Dave Noir and Kev Moon as they travel back to the Japan of 1982 to witness a sumo wrestler get thrown through a bar window, freerunning over the rooftops of a neon-drenched Tokyo, The Hand close-in on Yukio and Logan have an epiphany. It's all here, in their look back at Wolverine #3, 'Loss.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.04.19
Once again, Dave and Kev pop the CMYK-tinted specs on and travel back 30 years to the spring of 1989, for a tale of full moons, lightning bolts, torrential rain, graveyards, tombstones, deadly potions, the undead and werewolves. Oh, and there's a web-swinging Spider-Guy in there somewhere too. Join them for a revisit of a Halloween tale that was either too late, or too early, depending on your perspective, in The Spectacular Spider-Man #149, 'What About Carrion?!'
WHAT'S NEW: 31.03.19
The demonic insanity of ‘Inferno’ comes to an explosive conclusion for our time traveling, cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles wearing duo, in this rather low-key airing of good old Flash Thompson and Betty Leeds. Jump in, as Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and co. invite us all to join them for a ‘Night Of The Living Ned,' in ’The Spectacular Spider-Man #148.
WHAT'S NEW: 28.02.19
"What day is it? The date?" The 28th. February. Tuesday. "What year?" Well, it's 1989, "It is the day of Inferno" of course and the We See The World In Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-tinted spectacled duo are back in New York City to bear witness to the unfolding of N'Astirh's demonic master plan, in The Spectacular Spider-Man #147, 'When The Bugle Blows.'
WHAT'S NEW: 29.01.19
For the first time in this run, the time traveling We See The World In Ben-Day Dots tag team champions set their cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles for 1989, as they buckle-up and prepare themselves for the madness of that year’s major Marvel crossover event, ‘Inferno.’ Join them and risk your own sanity by gazing back through four-colour lenses at The Spectacular Spider-Man #146, ‘Demon Night.’
WHAT'S NEW: 08.01.19
We kick-off our 2019 here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dots in style, with the wall crawlin', web swingin', time travellin', don't look back in anger a-gazin', Ric Flairin', cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles wearin' Sons Of Guns, as Dave and Kev head back to the winter of 1988 to take in The Spectacular Spider-Man #145, 'The Boomerang Return.' Wooo!
WHAT'S NEW: 30.12.18
Here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dot's we're rounding-out our 2018 with Kev's long overdue look at B.J. Mendelson and Piotr Czaplarski's wild, freewheeling one-shot, 'Vengeance Nevada.' "All will be judged."
WHAT'S NEW: 04.12.18
The CMYK tinted spectacled duo are back in late 1988, to witness the handbags at ten paces confrontation between Spidey and Boomerang. It's got something to do with a book tour, a yacht race and some broken furniture. It's all here, in Dave and Kev's review of The Spectacular Spider-Man #144, "An Ill Wind..." "... a book which has been described as, and I quote, "Lovely stuff." Not my words...the words of Shakin' Stevens."
We can neither confirm, nor deny the authenticity of the Michael Barratt quote.
We can neither confirm, nor deny the authenticity of the Michael Barratt quote.
WHAT'S NEW: 18.11.18
For the second time, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to join The We See The World In Ben-Day Dots time travelling duo back in 1982. The CMYK tinted spectacles sporting pair look on as Logan and Yukio go on a blood soaked first date, Logan gate crashes and ruins a performance of 'The 47 Ronin' and Mariko bears witness to a side of The Wolverine that she has never seen before. It's all here, in Dave and Kev's review of the second chapter of Chris Claremont and Frank Miller's definitive tale of the Weapon X-Man, 'Debts and Obligations.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.10.18
The time travelling, cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles wearing duo are back in 1988 once again for this tale of clones, gene testers, High Evolutionaries and Young Gods. It's all happening and it's all here in Dave and Kev's review of The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8, 'Return To Sender.'
WHAT'S NEW: 30.09.18
Dave and Kev travel 30 years back in time, through cyan, magenta, yellow and key-tinted spectacles, to bear witness to the end of something. It's Spider-Man, it's The Punisher, it's The Persuader, it's the Lobo Brothers..... it's a bloodbath in The Spectacular Spider-Man #143 'Deadline In Dallas.'
WHAT'S NEW: 11.09.18
Neil Gaiman first introduced us to The Endless in 1989, when the first Sandman comic hit the stores. The original Sandman series brought us 75 issues, along with one special edition. Following the original series, Sandman had many additional issues and spin-offs including Overture, The Dream Hunters, Death: The High Cost of Living and Death: The Time of Your Life. The Sandman comics predominant character was Dream, also known by many other names including Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming and the Dream King. The series began with Morpheus captured for an occult ritual and held against his will for 70 years. Upon escaping in the modern day, he found his kingdom had fallen into a state of dilapidation, and after seeking revenge upon his captors he began rebuilding. Throughout the series the stories are predominantly set in the Dreaming realm and the waking world, however we also step into other realms including Asgard, Faerie, Hell and the realms of the other Endless. What began as dark horror, emerged into an elegant fantasy comic series, and now almost 30 years later, the very popular Sandman Universe has returned for us to explore further. There will be four individual stories, written by different authors, and although he is not writing the new works himself, each author was selected by Neil Gaiman; Si Spurrier has written ‘The Dreaming’, Kat Howard ‘Books of Magic’, Nalo Hopkinson ‘House of Whispers' and Dan Watters has penned ‘Lucifer’. Although they are individual stories written by different authors, there will be an element of interconnection within the Sandman Universe throughout. I cannot wait to read these new stories and discover where each author has taken Gaiman’s already established world to next. Keep an eye out for a review of these new works coming soon. (J) |
WHAT'S NEW: 31.08.18
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live! From an undisclosed, generic building site in Atlanta, Georgia for ‘The Spectacular Spider-Man #142‘- ‘Will.' IT'S TIME, for our catch-weight main event of the evening. Introducing first, in the red and blue corner, this man is a freestyle fighter, he stands at 5ft 10inches, weighing in at 167lbs, fighting out of Queens, New York, Peter “Spider-Man” Parker. His opponent, in the black and white corner, a boxer, standing at 6ft 7inches tall weighing in at 215lbs, fighting out of Philadelphia, Pensilvania, Lonnie “Tombstone” Lincoln.
WHAT'S NEW: 29.07.18
With CMYK-tinted spectacles at the ready, Dave and Kev, one again, travel back in time to the second summer of love and into the pages of The Spectacular Spider-Man #141 'The Tombstone Testament,' (or 'Private Enemies,' take your pick) where they find; Spidey and Frank having a pleasant conversation on a homely boat, Robbie Robertson recovering nicely in a hospital bed, Tombstone popping-in to visit Mary Jane at the Parker's home and The Arranger and Persuader throwing a surprise party for a sleepy Frank Castle.
WHAT'S NEW: 22.07.18
Dave and Kev interrupt their regularly scheduled programming and slap on their cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles to bring you this bonus review of the first issue in Chris Claremont and Frank Miller's seminal 'Wolverine' mini series, 'I'm Wolverine.' "Bub, you've just signed your death warrant!"
WHAT'S NEW: 30.06.18
Dave and Kev travel back through the mists of time to 1988, when Robbie Robertson was confined to a hospital bed, Tombstone had a very long arm, Mary Jane briefly tried her hand at stand-up comedy and the 'We See The World Through Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key-Tinted Spectacles' duo became oddly obsessed with skies. All this, and less, in their take on The Spectacular Spider-Man #140, 'Kill Zone.'
WHAT'S NEW: 29.05.18
Like a pair of less ripped ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Pipers in ‘They Live,’ Dave & Kev each don a pair of sunglasses, (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key Tinted ones to be precise) but instead of seeing alien beings and their covert, subjugating propaganda, they are transported 30 years back in time to the summer of 1988. See how they become easily distracted by flat-top haircuts, seemingly waterproof, battery operated tape players and ship horn-like shrieks of agony, as they revisit ‘The Spectacular Spider-Man’ #139, “Grave Memory.”
WHAT'S NEW: 29.04.18
“Once again, it’s on!” With cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles firmly in place, Dave and Kev are transported though in time, back to 1988. Can four colour, bargain basement Sam and Al prevent the inevitable heel turn by John Walker, stop Tombstone from coercing Roland Rayburn into becoming ‘The Persuader’ and help Spidey send La Tarantula back where he came from? Find out, in their look back at The Spectacular Spider-Man #138; ‘Night of the Flag!’
WHAT'S NEW: 31.03.18
The cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles transport Dave and Kev back to 1988 again, this time so that they can revisit ‘The Spectacular Spider-Man’ #137. Can “The Amazing Spider-Boys” stop La Tarantula executing terrified refugees? Is it possible that Dave will be able to convince Peter to do the right thing and pay for his burger? And will Kev finally get that sweet J. Jonah Jameson/Tombstone flat-top haircut that he always wanted? All will be revealed in their review of ‘Nowhere to Run. Nowhere to Hide!’
WHAT'S NEW: 06.03.18
Congratulations to Mo Ali. Mo's was the name drawn out of the hat in our draw to win a copy of the Black Panther trade paperback 'A Nation Under Our Feet.' Happy reading, Mo. (K)
WHAT'S NEW: 27.02.18
With CMYK tinted spectacles firmly in place, Dave and Kev travel way back in time to their adolescence, as they revisit the moment in which the ‘Circle Of Blood’ closed with part 2 of ‘Final Solution.’ Can Frank escape the ever decreasing sphere? Will Alaric shave his 70s porn star moustache off? Is Angela ever going to wear anything other than that flimsy nighty? And can Tony Siciliano even focus on the task at hand with those wonky eyes? Want to find out?
WHAT'S NEW: 04.02.18
Through the magic of cyan, magenta, yellow & key tinted spectacles, Dave & Kev gaze back into the past upon 'Final Solution,' the penultimate chapter of 'Circle Of Blood.' Time would certainly appear to be of the essence, as Frank makes his move to exact his revenge upon Alaric and Angela, Texas gets chased by a dog and things get a bit sketchy, literally.
WHAT'S NEW: 02.02.18
************Giveaway time************
You probably won't be aware, (as there has been so little promotion or buzz surrounding it) but there's a tiny indie movie called 'Black Panther' being released throughout arthouse cinemas in the UK on the 12th of February. To help the tiny, fledgling studio out, (and to leech off it like the parasite we are) we're giving away a copy of the bestselling Black Panther trade 'A Nation Under Our Feet' written by the multiple award winning Ta-Nehisi Coates, with art by Brian Stelfreeze, colour art by Laura Martin and letters by Joe Sabino.
To be in with a chance of winning, all you've got to do is the old social media triple-threat. So like, share and comment on Facebook, or like, retweet and reply on Twitter, or do them all if you're feeling generous. At the end of the month we'll draw a name out of a hat, get in touch with the lucky so-and-so and post the prize to them. Good luck.
You probably won't be aware, (as there has been so little promotion or buzz surrounding it) but there's a tiny indie movie called 'Black Panther' being released throughout arthouse cinemas in the UK on the 12th of February. To help the tiny, fledgling studio out, (and to leech off it like the parasite we are) we're giving away a copy of the bestselling Black Panther trade 'A Nation Under Our Feet' written by the multiple award winning Ta-Nehisi Coates, with art by Brian Stelfreeze, colour art by Laura Martin and letters by Joe Sabino.
To be in with a chance of winning, all you've got to do is the old social media triple-threat. So like, share and comment on Facebook, or like, retweet and reply on Twitter, or do them all if you're feeling generous. At the end of the month we'll draw a name out of a hat, get in touch with the lucky so-and-so and post the prize to them. Good luck.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.01.18
Here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dots, we blast our way into 2018 all guns a' blazing, like Frank charging into a Mob family Hogmanay party, with Dave & Kev's look back at The Punisher- 'Circle Of Blood' part 3, 'Slaughterday' through their signature four-colour tinted specs. Happy New Year!
WHAT'S NEW: 25.12.17
We round-off 2017 with Dave and Kev's CMYK tinted spectacled look back at The Punisher, 'Circle Of Blood' part 2: 'Back To The War.' "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal(s)."
WHAT'S NEW: 17.11.17
Whilst taking bathroom breaks from binge-watching 'The Punisher' on Netflix and repeatedly sticking the kettle on, why not treat yourself to a little reflection time as your tea brews, pop on your CMYK tinted spectacles and have a quick gander at Dave & Kev's review of 'Circle Of Blood' part 1.
WHAT'S NEW: 29.10.17
On the 17th of November, Frank Castle blasts his way onto the small screen, after a few relatively unsuccessful attempts at cracking the big one. As a little starter, why not whet your appetite for the Netflix carnage, by joining Dave and Kev as they dust off the cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles so that they can take a four colour look back at the debut of The Punisher in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' #129.
WHAT'S NEW: 30.09.17
Something a little different here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dots. 'What's It Called When A Black Hole Dies?' In which Kev mourns the passing of an institution from his childhood, muses a little on comic book retail and becomes undeniably middle-aged. Is that officially too old for the four-colour funny books?
WHAT'S NEW: 02.09.17
Congratulations to Garry Bodsworth. Garry was selected as the winner of our 'Dragon's Claws' competition for his fantasy casting of Taika Waititi as Scavenger in our pipe-dream live action 'Claws' adaptation. A copy of the 2008 collected edition is winging its way to him like the Pig on its way to the 'Pool.
WHAT'S NEW: 06.08.17
For one last time, Dave and Kev don their cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles, board the Trimaxion Drone Ship and travel through time to 8163 via the 2004 ‘Just One Page’ comic. Can the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots navigators stop the Evil Dead legion’s murderous rampage, prevent Dragon from crossing a line he can’t come back from and get one of those sweet Dragon’s Claws t-shirts as a souvenir? "Compliance!"
Get in touch with us on here via the contact page, or send us an email, or tweet us, or message us on Facebook, or send us a carrier pigeon, or smoke signals and let us know any or all of your dream cast for a live action 'Dragon's Claws.' You never know, there just might be a copy of the Panini collected edition in it for the best one.
There is.
There is.
WHAT'S NEW: 03.08.17
Happy birthday to us. Happy birthday to us. Happy birthday dear We See The World In Ben-Day Dots. Happy birthday to us.
We are one. Today marks the one year anniversary of Jai announcing We See The World In Ben-Day Dots' entry into the digital realm with her review of the animated adaptation of 'The Killing Joke.' To mark this momentous occasion, we are giving away a copy of the DVD of said animated feature, plus a copy of both the DVD and the graphic novel of 'Batman: Year One' (see what we did there?) to a lucky winner. A perfect double-bill for a Dark Knight in. All you've got to do is use one of the icons below, or the contact form on here to tell us which is your favourite We See The World In Ben-Day Dots review so far and why. We'll pop names in a hat at the end of August 2017, draw one out and be in touch with the victor.
Disclaimer- these discs are region two, so this competition is suited more to those who live in the UK. Unless you have a multi-region player, of course. Apologies to anyone who doesn't and is outside the United Kingdom.
We are one. Today marks the one year anniversary of Jai announcing We See The World In Ben-Day Dots' entry into the digital realm with her review of the animated adaptation of 'The Killing Joke.' To mark this momentous occasion, we are giving away a copy of the DVD of said animated feature, plus a copy of both the DVD and the graphic novel of 'Batman: Year One' (see what we did there?) to a lucky winner. A perfect double-bill for a Dark Knight in. All you've got to do is use one of the icons below, or the contact form on here to tell us which is your favourite We See The World In Ben-Day Dots review so far and why. We'll pop names in a hat at the end of August 2017, draw one out and be in touch with the victor.
Disclaimer- these discs are region two, so this competition is suited more to those who live in the UK. Unless you have a multi-region player, of course. Apologies to anyone who doesn't and is outside the United Kingdom.
WHAT'S NEW: 20.07.17
Jai checked out the latest MCU feature 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'. Find out what our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has been up to, in Jai's latest comic book movie review.
WHAT'S NEW: 03.07.17
Baby Groot is hitting the shelves of our comic book stores with his own series 'I Am Groot' and Jai is checking out the first issue to see what the little guardian is getting up to and what trouble he is getting into. Check out our Comic Reviews to see what Jai thought of 'I Am Groot #1'.
WHAT'S NEW: 02.07.17
It's the 'End of the Road' for the Claws (well, not quite yet), so pop your cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles on and join Dave and Kev as they stroll down Duckett's Passage and through the portal that transports them to 8162 via 1989. Can the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots equivalent of Gary Sparrow tie up any loose ends involving Shrine, Michael, Tanya, Tanya's dad and the World Development Council before they run out of time and the comic runs out of pages to tell the story? Doubtful. But like Simon Furman always says, "It never ends."
WHAT'S NEW: 12.06.17
The DC Extended Universe brings us another instalment with the much anticipated Wonder Woman movie. We were given a glimpse into her world in 2016 with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and she seemed pretty impressive, but just how does Diana size up in her own origin story? Let's find out in Jai's latest movie review.
WHAT'S NEW: 04.06.17
With cyan, magenta, yellow and key spectacles firmly in place, Dave and Kev hijack Oceanic Flight 815, crash land it on ‘The Island,’ find the Orchid and turn the frozen wheel beneath it, all so they travel to Earth, 8162, by way of 1989 through “the constant” of Dragon’s Claws #9, ‘Treatment.’ Can the Ben-Day Dots Hurley and Charlie broker a peace treaty between the Claws and the Evil Dead 2.0, save Deller and Golding from becoming flame-grilled Whoppers and stop N.U.R.S.E. and it’s evil Matron’s nefarious schemes? Survey says, “No!”
WHAT'S NEW: 09.05.17
Buffy the Vampire Slayer the television show is celebrating its 20 year anniversary this year. But after Sunnydale fell back in 2003 it didn't end there for our Scoobies. Joss Whedon brought back the fantastic Buffyverse in 2007 as a comic book. Jai takes a look at Season 8 Library Edition Volume 1 in her latest comic book review, and finds out and what happened with all the newly activated slayers, and what the Scoobies got up to next.
WHAT'S NEW: 07.05.17
Dave and Kev don their cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles, run through the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10, jump aboard the Hogwarts Express to the school of witchcraft and wizardry and mug Hermione for her time turner. They then proceed to use their ill gotten gains to travel to 8162 via the 1989 portal of Dragon's Claws #8, '…..The Evil Dead Too.' Can the Ben-Day Dots Neville and Sheamus stop the brand, spanking new Evil Dead from raising N.U.R.S.E. to the ground? Should they even want to? COULD they, even if they did? (They couldn't.)
WHAT'S NEW: 03.05.17
The Guardians of the Galaxy return to our screens with an action packed, humorous sequel in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Set to yet another awesome soundtrack, 'Awesome Mix Vol.2', it's a much more intimate storyline. With some new additions joining our unconventional superheroes, this movie is not be missed as Jai reveals in her latest movie review. (*CONTAINS SPOILERS*)
WHAT'S NEW: 23.04.17
There's a lot of buzz around Neil Gaiman's award winning American Gods at the moment. The TV adaptation is about to premiere on Starz TV network at the end of the month. However, while a lot of you are getting worked up over that, I recommend that you get worked up over this even more. American Gods has also been adapted as a comic by regular Gaiman collaborators P. Craig Russell and Scott Hampton. Jai gives her thoughts on the first instalment of "American Gods: Shadows" in her latest review.
WHAT'S NEW: 16.04.17
It’s time to break out the old cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles once again, as Dave and Kev stumble back into their beat-up, H.G. Wells inspired time machine and travel back to the Elseworlds Gotham of 1891 for a city break, just in time to revisit the sequel to ‘Gotham By Gaslight.’ It’s Bruce Wayne versus Alexandre LeRoi, the 19th versus the 20th century, progress versus tradition, all to see who and/or what will be ‘Master of the Future.’
WHAT'S NEW: 01.04.17
The unlucky, thirteenth Doctor, Doctor Dave and his not-so-glamourous companion, Catastrophe Kev, jump into the blue police box and set course once again for Earth, 8162 by way of Earth, 1989. Can the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots equivalent of Eric and Ernie stay focussed long enough to aid Mercy as she comes face to face with a shadowy version of her past, or even keep their wits about them enough to notice the arrival of the 2.0 version of a certain Sam Rami influenced group of mass murderers? Probably not, but don your cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles anyway and find out for yourself in their backwards look at Dragon’s Claws #7, ‘The Quality Of Mercy.’
WHAT'S NEW: 05.03.17
In this month's instalment of the We See The World In Ben-Day Dots Dragon's Claws Retrospective, Dave and Kev hop into the phone booth and travel through time to 8162, via the winter of 1988. Dave continues to put together the most expensive cast in the history of film and/or television, whilst Kev's unhealthy obsession with Deller's left shoulder and the multiple injuries it sustains only intensifies. Perhaps their energies would be better spent concerning themselves with the rampaging vigilante killer that's stalking the streets of Montreal. Join the bogus duo as they look at Dragon's Claws #6 'Craven Idols' through cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles.
WHAT'S NEW: 05.02.17
This month, Dave & Kev get naked and step into the Time Displacement Equipment to make the journey to Earth, 8162 via 1988. Can the markdown Sarah & Connor get there in time to stop the Jones Boys burning down the house, prevent N.U.R.S.E. from performing any more unnecessary laryngectomies and put an end to the Evil Dead funded, paid killing spree of everyone's favourite "freelance peacekeeping agent?" So don your cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles and join them as they look back at 'Dragon's Claws #5, 'Here's Death's Head.'
And would the end-of-line Kyle & Reese please put some clothes on, yes?
And would the end-of-line Kyle & Reese please put some clothes on, yes?
Also, a massive thank you to Elliott Hopkins (@ElliottHopkins on Twitter) who pointed-out to me that The 'Pool is in fact Liverpool. Nigh-on three decades of reading this comic and the penny had never dropped. Cheers, Elliott. Apparently I need a new prescription for my CMYK tinted specs. (K)
WHAT'S NEW: 21.01.17Jai takes a look at Kate Leth and Drew Rausch's 'Edward Scissorhands: The Final Cut', where in this gorgeous deluxe overside edition Leth and Rausch take fans back into Edward's world for more eerie adventures with characters old and new. As well as being reintroduced to Edward, we also meet a new generation of Boggs family members and their friends, and a peculiar new creature who brings a little bit of trouble into Edward's world.
WHAT'S NEW: 01.01.17
We kick 2017 off in style here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dots, as Dave and Kev leap into the hot tub and travel to Earth, 8162 again by way of 1988. Can the four colour Adam and Lou save Raymond (or is it William?) Golding by delivering Legris and Ostleur to the terrorist group La Folie, stop two warring barons and their armies tearing the French countryside apart and get back to Greater Britain in time to prevent a certain “freelance peacekeeping agent” going on a paid killing spree? All this and more will be revealed as they look back at ‘Dragon’s Claws’ #4, ‘Wild in the Country’ through, cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles.
WHAT'S NEW: 18.12.16
Dave and Kev leap into the time machine and travel back to both 1989 and 1889 to take a closer look at the Batman Vs. Jack The Ripper tale, ‘Gotham By Gaslight.’ Join them as they consider a Victorian Gotham City, a less technologically advanced Caped Crusader and a real-life historical villain. All this before the conversation breaks-down descending into a nostalgic trip down a dark and dangerous memory lane, to the summer of the Bat in the last year of the 1980s.
P.S. This review does contain spoilers for a comic that is 27 years old at this point. So if you haven't read it and wish it to remain unspoiled, perhaps it's in your best interests to seek out the book and peruse its pages before reading our discussion of it. Statute of limitations and all that.
WHAT'S NEW: 04.12.16
Dave and Kev step into “the box,” creating a time loop between Earth, 1988 and Earth, 8162. Neither of which are a nice place to live. Can they win at hide and seek against ‘The Vanishing Ladies?’ Will they discover the true identity of the ‘High Father?' Do they have what it takes to bring Barry The Wildcat’s killer to justice? All this, and more, will be revealed, as the four colour Aaron and Abe reconsider Dragon’s Claws #3, ‘Heroes' Welcome’ through cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles.
WHAT'S NEW: 16.11.16
The latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is here- Dr. Strange. Jai shares her thoughts on this one in our latest movie review.
There are lots of events happening this weekend. Tomorrow is LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY 2016- an event celebrating independent comic book speciality stores. There will be a chance to get your hands on some rare and limited edition comics from DC, Marvel, Boom Studios, Dark Horse and more that will only be available from your local Forbidden Planet, Ironically.
This weekend is also Birmingham Comic Con and Film & Comic Con Newcastle. For more information on this weekends events, check out our events page.
There are lots of events happening this weekend. Tomorrow is LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY 2016- an event celebrating independent comic book speciality stores. There will be a chance to get your hands on some rare and limited edition comics from DC, Marvel, Boom Studios, Dark Horse and more that will only be available from your local Forbidden Planet, Ironically.
This weekend is also Birmingham Comic Con and Film & Comic Con Newcastle. For more information on this weekends events, check out our events page.
what's new: 06.11.16
Dave and Kev step into the Quantum Leap Accelerator in order to travel back in time and into their 1988 bodies, in an attempt to change the future of either 2016 or 8162 for the better. (They're not quite sure which of the two it is.) Can the Poundland Sam and Al prevent the deaths of Kronos, Hex and Feral or perhaps even just stop the first of many injuries to Deller's shoulder. Join them as they look back to the future through cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles at 'Dragon's Claw's' #2, 'Dead Reckoning.'
What's new: 16.10.16
Congratulations are in order to Mason Radcliffe of Waskada, Manitoba, Canada and Gareth Jones of Cardiff, Wales. Both these gentlemen are expecting a new arrival in the shape of a copy of André Lima Araújo's 'Man Plus,' which is currently winging its way to them as we speak. Hopefully it won't take nine months to get to them. Well done, gents.
WHAT'S NEW: 04.10.16
Special guest star Dave Scrimgeour joins Kev in the Delorean, as they put the pedal to the metal and ramp that baby up to 88 MPH in order to travel back to 1988 and the future of 8162 simultaneously, with their review of 'Dragon's Claws' #1, 'The Game!' Does this adolescent favourite of the comic book reviewing tag-team hold-up to the scrutiny of failing, middle-aged eyes, or are the dynamic duo merely viewing it through the rosy glow of cyan, magenta, yellow and key tinted spectacles?
Also, if you like our review and you think 'Dragon's Claws' might be for you, it's worth bearing in mind that the creative powers behind it have a new project, 'To The Death,' that may also be of interest to you. The first issue of this creator-owned, web only series is available for free at to-the-death.com. But if you're old-school like us (or just plain old like us) and print is more your thing, they have a few days remaining on their Kickstarter campaign for the print only prequel to the series. The top tier gets you a Geoff Senior sketch of a character of your choosing. Need we say more.
P.S. Kev wants one of Dragon. Or Galvatron. Or Ultra Magnus. Look, he just wants a Geoff Senior original, okay?
WHAT'S NEW: 18.09.16
Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá took on Neil Gaiman's fantastic short story 'How to Talk to Girls at Parties' and transformed it beautifully into a 64 page hardback graphic novel. Does it work? Of course it does, with a team like that are you kidding me?! But still, lets have a look at what Jai thought of this adaptation in her recent review.
what's new: 04.09.16
Simon Furman and Geoff Senior launch a new creator-owned digital comic book series titled 'To The Death' on the 10th of September at to-the-death.com. In the meantime, you can whet your appetite for it AND our ten part, (eleven if you count the epilogue) issue-by-issue retrospective of its older cousin, Marvel UK's 'Dragon's Claws,' with this tasty little aperitif, as Kev meditates himself into a trance-like state in order to travel back through time to the late 1980s, reminiscing on how the comic came into his life and the effect it had on his adolescent mind.
What's new: 29.08.16
Giveaway time here at We See The World In Ben-Day Dots. If you've read our review of 'Man Plus' by André Lima Araújo and it has piqued your interest in the book, or you just like free stuff, here's your chance to get a copy of the collected edition on us. Just submit a contact form with any old comment before the end of September (this year, 2016, not 2042) and we'll draw an entry out of a hat, contact the lucky individual regarding shipping details, then send said copy of said book to said individual in the post. Good journey.
What's New: 21.08.16
Kev's look at André Lima Araújo's near-future, neo-noiresque, cyberpunk, crime series 'Man Plus' is now available for your reading pleasure (or displeasure) in the Comic Reviews section. If you're a fan of stories involving artificial intelligence, political corruption, hard boiled characters and a healthy dose of ultraviolence, this might just be worth your time checking out.
What's new 03.08.16
'BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE' review by Jai has been posted in our Movie Reviews.
Big events are happening this weekend! From intimate signings and creative workshops, to big comic expos and comic freebies! There really is a lot to keep you entertained so please do check out our events page to see what's on in your area. |
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