by Dave Scrimgeour and Kevin McCluskey ![]() Script- Simon Furman Art- Jeff Anderson Letters- Anne Halfacree Colours- Tony Jozwiak Editor- Ian Rimmer SynopsisHot Rod, Kup and Blurr set their trap for Galvatron, but Ultra Magnus and the rest of the present day Autobots keep throwing spanners in the works by stepping into the firing line. However, they do eventually manage to trick the future Decepticon into thinking he has killed Starscream 20 years before he is supposed to, which prompts him to gather his lieutenants and return home to their timeline in 2006. Dave Great Scott!! We are onto issue 87, and judging by the previous week’s issue, it's titled ‘Back to the Future!’ I do like how the cover cleverly ties in with the narrative on the first 2 pages. It’s self explanatory really. Kev Yeh, I like how it ties in too. Another cover by Phil Gascoine. It’s a bit of an odd collage though. I like the images of Galvatron’s exploding solar cannon, and Blurr, Hot Rod and Kup’s floating heads with the “Lights! Camera! Action!” Not so sure about Galvatron himself though. He looks like a magnet that’s just been stuck onto a fridge. Dave Or a sticker that you would put on a writing pad. Kev Ha, ha! Indeed. We had many of those when we were young. We’re back in the safe hands of Jeff Anderson again for art duties. Dave It's some great writing by Furman as he slowly takes us into the splash page coming up. It’s a nice little build-up. Yeah, Anderson is a terrific artist. It's a clever mix in the narrative. The showdown with Galvatron and Ultra Magnus is about the two leading actors in this show, and as we discover later, there’s a clever twist on behalf of the Autobots Blurr, Kup and Hot Rod. ![]() Kev Yeh, Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr don’t half coach “the supporting cast” with ease here. Considering the trouble the present day Autobots had with Cyclonus and Scourge; the future Autobots must be one hell of an upgrade. And that splash page by Anderson and Jozwiac, (the latter of whom who returns to colour duties) is excellent. Magnus looks like he's had the crap beaten out of him. Which, of course, he has. Dave Yep, it really has been Galvatron, 'the force to be reckoned with,' all the way so far, and he's not letting up. Kev Nope. He's certainly not giving up without a fight, is he? Furman also gives us a quick reminder of what’s happening on Cybertron, with the ever impending Operation: Volcano. Dave The whole jumping back and forth is a constant, but it is really setting the scene, and allows more development of what's occurring on Cybertron. There is a whole backstory going on there that could easily be a separate series in itself. Kev Definitely. It's a pretty solid B story, alright. I like how Anderson uses that 4th panel on page 4 to update his panel of the three future Decepticons’ feet from all the way back to the prologue issue. That's a nice touch. I wonder if the original was bugging him, because it was very much based on the toys, rather than this one, which is based on ‘The Movie’ character sheets. Dave Maybe. You can see by the complexities of the narrative on page 4 with Magnus’s dilemma. It is aptly named ‘Back to the Future!’ this issue. The space time continuum still applies, even in Transformers. Kev Oh yeh, those ‘Back to the Future’ rules still have to be followed. That 5th panel of Magnus, dragging himself back into the fight with Galvatron, is class. It’s hard not to admire that kind of grit and determination. I think this is why he was my new favourite character at the time. Dave He wasn't Optimus Prime 2, he was more flawed and was growing into the role of leader, which isn't something that happens overnight. Plus, in previous issues, the other Autobots were just not sure of him. But he still has a fight, and he holds his responsibility well, to get stuck back in there against Galvatron, despite the pummelling he has taken. Kev I think that was what endeared Magnus to me. He wasn't perfect, and he fell short against Galvatron on more than one occasion, which leads to him becoming quite traumatised and suffering from PTSD actually, but he never gave up, despite all this. Dave That's a cracking tackle he does on the bottom of page 5. Early MMA days in Transformers land. Kev Ha, ha! Yeh, it's a good double-leg takedown. Dave Yet Galvatron is still quick with his response of, "Imbecile!” And then, on page 6, we get another whole page of his ego-driven waffle. Kev Ha, ha! Yeh. We certainly do. And I absolutely love that panel of Magnus on page 6, with the oil dripping off his face, refusing to give up, despite Galvatron’s obvious superiority. It’s like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin in Bret Hart’s sharpshooter at Wrestlemania 13. ![]() Dave Yeah, I love that one of Magnus dripping oil, as well. Kev It's great, isn't it? Dave It's a proper brawl here, the two heavy hitters slugging it out. Kev I do like Furman’s use of the farcical element of people just wandering into Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr’s “shot.” It adds a bit of unexpected humour to, what is otherwise, a pretty tense situation. Dave Then we get to see how Magnus has finally earned the Autobots’ respect in this speech by Jetfire, where he acknowledges that he is leadership material. It's also interesting how this page jumps back and forth, with the tension constantly there. Which is only enhanced by the element of time closing in fast, as it's running out on so many different levels. Much like the time travel story trope where ultimately time is against them. Kev Absolutely. Having the time constraints put in place by the Operation: Volcano deadline, gives the story a countdown of tension alright. Dave A ticking time bomb. quite literally ready to explode. And it does. Kev Yep, it certainly does. Furman’s little bit of prose across the first two panels of page 9 is excellent, and that panel of Galvatron literally blowing “Starscream” to smithereens on page 10 is fantastic. That was another proper “Holy shit!” moment when I read it for the first time back in 1986. Dave Yeah, especially now that Furman keeps referring to the movie, we know that “Starscream” gets offed in the movie in 2006. And the panel on page 10, of an exploding “Starscream,” to coin a phrase I often use is, "wall art." I love it. Kev Yep. It really is a cracking panel. Dave It's the building rage, and the explosive temper of Galvatron, it is great in that scene. Kev Totally. It has all been building to this with Galvatron. Whereas the Autobots have not been able to best him, they have, over time, been able to frustrate him, then trick him into being his own undoing. Well, certainly the future Autobots, Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr have. Dave It's a clever way to defeat him, as Galvatron cannot be beat via physical force. But, his anger is too strong, and if they can use it against himself, ultimately get him so mad that he does something that is self-destructive to his plans, then that will beat him in a way. Kev Absolutely. Turn him against himself. Dave Did you have the comic book adaptation of 'The Movie' at this point, or was it not published yet? Kev I don't think it had been published yet. Not by this point, no. Either way, I didn't get it at the time. I couldn't afford it. It was pretty expensive. It was £1.45. Which seemed extortionate at the time, but seems like a steal compared to the £10- £15 it would cost you now. I think Mike had it though. Dave And there was also the soundtrack as well. So much to collect. Kev Ha, ha! Yeh, that soundtrack on cassette tape. How many times did we listen to that, over and over again? Lord only knows, man. And I still listen to it to this day. And regularly at that. Dave It's a classic soundtrack. So many great tunes. I bet you that is a warmer up for you before you go to TFNation. Kev Ha, ha! It is actually, yeh. We usually listen to it in the car on the way down. Dave I like that, "As the blind fury ebbs,....." It’s very poetic writing. It's suddenly hit Galvatron, after destroying “Starscream.” I love how "Starscream's" head is blown in one direction and the arm in the other. It’s real carnage. Kev Yeh. I love how it almost looks like his head has spun off his body completely. Like a corkscrew. Dave The full extent of his impulsive behaviour has hit him, and ultimately it has signalled the start of his undoing. He really has screwed up in this timeline. So, it doesn't matter what he does now, he knows it's time to go back. Kev Yeh. We're treated to some excellent exposition by Furman here, as he quickly wraps things up by giving us a little insight into the inner workings of Galvatron’s mind, and exactly how he has processed recent events,as well as the current situation he finds himself in. Or at least, the current situation he has been led to believe that he is in Dave And that final panel shows how crafty the three future Autobots really were, with the reveal that it wasn't actually Starscream. Kev Ha, ha! Yeh. Poor Thundercracker. Dave It's interesting how, after all that, in Galvatron’s terms, it's only considered, "a small setback." Kev Yeh. He kind of snaps back to sanity, and once again, becomes more like the calculating mastermind he was at the beginning of 'Target: 2006.' Dave True, he quickly regains composure, and plans ahead. Kev The “parallel dimension” theory provides Furman with a get-out clause for later stories with both Megatron and Galvatron, what with the two Megatrons situation, and introducing Galvatron into the US comic AFTER his seeming demise at the end of ‘Time Wars.’ But those are stories, and reviews, for a later date. Dave Well, he has to keep to the movie script as well, so he can really only play around with ideas, without making any major changes that would affect the movie storyline. Kev True. He is still very much working within the confines of Hollywood, as well as the toyline here. Dave So what is your opinion on the 2nd last part of this story? Kev I really like it. As I said when we reviewed the last issue, it feels very much like the fight between Ultra Magnus and Galvatron was the climax, and this is kind-of just the aftermath, but it's still really good, and it begins to tie-up some of the loose threads of the story as well. What about yourself? What do you make of it? Dave Yeah, it is a cracker of an issue. It seems, with the exception of finding out what's happened to Prime, this could have easily concluded the story, but I wonder if the last issue will just be a filler, as basically most of the story has been told. Kev Ah, I'll be interested to see what you make of what Furman does with the "epilogue" next week then. Dave True, it will be interesting to see how it turns out. (D) & (K) Next: 'Aftermath!'
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